Ticks are very common in Kamloops! Ticks are generally seen as long as the daytime temperature remains above 4°C, though they are most common from February to July. Ticks can carry a variety of diseases such as Lyme disease and blood-borne diseases, but those types of ticks are not common in the Kamloops area. A condition known as tick paralysis is known to occur commonly in our area. In these cases, the cat will become paralyzed starting with their hind end usually. Paralysis resolves soon after the tick is removed though it is important that the tick is removed as soon as possible to prevent serious complications. As cats are quite fastidious groomers, it is not common to treat your cat against ticks. However, if your feline friend is overweight, grooming certain areas can be difficult for them. In this instance, tick prevention is recommended.
Lice are also very common in Kamloops. They are usually very itchy, especially around the collar and ears. Please bring your pet to the vet if you think your pet has lice for confirmation and treatment.
Fleas, however, are uncommon in Kamloops though they are often found in the surrounding areas such as Clearwater and Vancouver. Prevention and/or treatment may be required if your pet travels to a high-risk area or if fleas are noted on your pet during an exam.
How do I know if my cat has external parasites?
Examine your cat for ticks often during tick season, especially if they are outdoors and walking in tall grasses. Spread the fur to look at the skin. Common areas where ticks are found are in and around the ears, collar, belly, or bum areas, though they can be anywhere on your pet. They are oval-shaped and brown/grey and they can be the size of your pinky nail or smaller depending on how long they have been attached. If you find what you think may be a tick, call your veterinarian for advice or to confirm that it is, in fact, a tick and for advice on removing it. Cats with fleas and lice are usually VERY itchy. Lice are usually tiny brown bugs attached to your pet’s skin whereas fleas are usually always on the move and scurrying around. If you suspect your pet has fleas or lice, please make an appointment with your vet to determine what the parasite is and to obtain appropriate treatment.
Do fleas harm cats?
Fleas can be harmful to your cat in several ways. Fleas carry the tapeworm parasite which can easily be transmitted to your cat. Some pets can also suffer from flea allergic dermatitis (FAD) which can be very uncomfortable and can cause a secondary skin infection requiring medications. In severe cases, fleas have also been known to cause anemia which can cause lethargy and in the very extreme cases even cause death in very young, flea-infested kittens.
Why is treating and preventing fleas so important?
Treating and preventing fleas is important to stop an infestation from entering your home and for the overall health and well-being of your pet. Prevention is key. Once fleas are detected, treatment is typically required for a minimum of 3 months in order to break the lifecycle.
What are some simple steps for treating fleas in your senior cat?
Treating your cat for fleas is simple, however, prevention is the key. There are several options available and your Veterinarian can discuss which option would be the best for your kitty.